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Case No. 12,
Lance Armstrong

From the Page 2 mailbag

Cyclist Lance Armstrong has just won his third straight Tour de France, and the road to all those yellow jerseys hasn't been easy. Page 2 feels a guy like Lance deserves nothing less than a catchy nickname. After we opened another case of The Berman Files, readers flooded us with over 3,000 suggestions for our spandex hero.

Lance Armstrong
Help find an appropriate nickname for the amazing Lance Armstrong.
Review some of the finest monikers for the amazing American, and then be sure to vote in our poll at left for the nickname you think fits best. On Friday, we'll reveal the most popular choice.

"Tour de Lance"
Samuel Kim
Cerritos, Calif.

Lance "Only the Armstrong Survive"
Ranjit Shiralkar

"Sir Lancelot"
Coming back from something not many would even survive, much less compete and win, makes him worthy of the namesake and a spot at King Arthur's Round Table in cycling Camelot.
Sean Moriarty
New Jersey

"Second Chance Lance"
Jasen Deniz
Oskaloosa, Iowa

"Lance Armstrong Like Bull"
Ever ride a bike up hill?
Matt Mense
West Hartford, Conn.

"Backwards Glance Lance"
He need only peek back over his shoulder to see the rest of the pack.
Johnny Gold
Austin, Texas

"The Postman"
Through any kind of condition, Lance always delivers. just like his sponsor, the U.S. Postal Service.
Mike Hobbs
Kadena AFB, Japan

Lance "Stretch" Armstrong
In honor of our favorite childhood toy. He's always good down the stretch, and no matter how you try and discontort him, he'll bounce back.
Jeff Graham
Atlanta, Texas

Lance "No shot in the" Armstrong
He has disproved all the accusations concerning his use of performance enhancing substances.
Eric Doskocil
Columbia, Mo.

Lance "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" Armstrong
New York

"The Tourminator"
Reid Scher
Windham, Maine

"The Legend of Biker Lance"
Alexandria, Va.

When you're in the mountains, get out of his way.
Steve Chambers
Shoreview, Minn.

"The Prince Of Pedal"
Aaron Bond
Lexington, Ky.

"Vive le Lance"

Lance "The Postman Rings Thrice" Armstrong
Bill Liddicoet
Marietta, Ga.

"The Man in the Yellow Shirt"
A little homage to Curious George, because he wears a yellow jersey, and he has a pet monkey... or wait.. well he wears a yellow jersey.
Kennewick, Wash.

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