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Who was the whiner of the year?


Poll Results

Who was the biggest whiner of 2000? Vote in the poll at left.

Keyshawn Johnson
Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Just be quiet and catch the damn ball, Keyshawn.

Yankee haters

It's more than the money that's keeping them on top. Just ask O's owner Peter Angelos.

Tiger Woods

He makes a kazillion dollars a year, yet he believes the PGA Tour is taking advantage of him.

Bud Selig
MLB commissioner

Is the sky falling because A-Rod got $25 million a year or because "small-market" teams such as the Brewers gave Jeffrey Hammonds $7.25 million a year after just one good season?

Rick Pitino
Celtics coach

When he's not screaming at officials, he tells his team to play defense or he'll quit. He'd give more motivation if he told them he'll quit if they win.

Ken Griffey Jr.
Cincinnati Reds

You picked a real winner near Orlando, Junior.

Richard Williams
Tennis father

When Venus' and Serena's dad isn't running their lives, he's trying to run the WTA.

Eric Lindros
Philadelphia Flyers

Big E points the finger of blame everywhere but at home.

Isaiah Rider
Los Angeles Lakers

Phil Jackson's seven championship rings don't impress Rider.

Story I couldn't get enough of

Story I got sick of

Dumbest move of the year

Team you root against

Best fashion statement

Worst fashion statement

Athlete you can't get enough of

Most overexposed

Good guy of the year

Most stylish sports couple

Best feud

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