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What story did you get sick of?


Poll Results

What was the story you got sick of in 2000? Vote in the poll at left.

John Rocker

The guy just didn't know when to shut up. And the media never stopped watching his every move and listening to his every grunt.

Eric Lindros vs. the Flyers

Seemed like the perfect match years ago. Dominating wunderkind leads Broadstreet Bullies back into contention. But the former franchise saviour grates on everyone and takes on nearly everyone from the Flyers stickboy to the president. But GM Bob Clarke is competition for Lindros as Philly's most stubborn sports celebrity. Still seems like a perfect match.

Rae Carruth

Charges that Carruth, a former Carolina Panthers receiver, conspired to kill his ex-girlfriend and their baby are a different kind of sick than these other candidates.

Darryl Strawberry

Pity or pray for Strawberry. Of all his friends in baseball, can't any of them help his recovery from drug addiction?

Bob Knight

That's Knight telling everyone to read between the lines. Too bad he'll never get the message.

Daniel Snyder

He's an owner for cryin' out loud. And not a very bright one, so why is so much written about him?

Subway Series

They don't care outside New York. New York doesn't care that they don't care outside New York. Will baseball care when the Mets and Yankees are the only teams left after they outspend the others to oblivion?

Baseball agents

Agents, such as Scott Boras, are only doing their jobs. But now they're worming their way into the inner workings of teams and becoming almost as recognizable as the players.

Story I couldn't get enough of

Dumbest move of the year

Team you root against

Best fashion statement

Worst fashion statement

Athlete you can't get enough of

Most overexposed

Good guy of the year

Whiner of the year

Most stylish sports couple

Best feud

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