Wednesday, October 25
On the move?: After Bob Knight was fired from Indiana, he said he would coach again. His comments at a charity fund-raiser Tuesday night seemed to reinforce that. "This will be the last time I speak in Indianapolis," Knight said, possibly indicating he has plans to leave the state.
Tuesday, October 17
Knight accuser leaves: Kenty Harvey, the IU freshman who was berated by Bob Knight shortly before the coach's firing, and his two brothers have withdrawn from school. The triplets, their mother and stepfather left the state following Knight's firing last month.
Friday, October 13
Moving on: With Knight out at Indiana, Davis has taken over and made changes, the most visible of which will be on full display Friday during Midnight Madness 3-point shooting and dunk contests and the inclusion, for the first time, of the women's basketball team.
Hoosier fans usher in post-Knight era
Bilas: Davis welcomed this madness
Sunday, October 8
The Davis Show: Pat Knight got a job as an assistant at Akron, Bob Knight is no longer the lead story on sports pages, and the General's loyal secretary Mary Ann Davis has departed the Indiana basketball office. Finally, for the first time since Knight was fired Sept. 10, interim coach Mike Davis is completely in charge of the Indiana program.
Friday, October 6
One down: Tom Geyer, who had limited playing time in two seasons, quit the Indiana basketball team, saying he couldn't play for any coach but Bob Knight.
User feedback
Friday, September 29
Technical foul?: Indiana lawyer Gojko Kasich plans to file a lawsuit on behalf of Bob Knight supporters which claims that university president Myles Brand deliberately circumvented the state's Open Door Law by meeting separately with two groups of four school trustees before deciding to dismiss the Hall of Fame basketball coach.
Pat Knight lands with Zips: Akron hires Pat Knight, the son of Bob Knight, as an assistant coach. Pat Knight, who was an assistant under his father at Indiana, said he was fired when his father was let go. Indiana never officially fired Pat Knight, but Indiana athletics director Clarence Doninger said he didn't expect him to stay.
Thursday, September 28
Knight in shining armor: Fired Indiana University coach Bobby Knight said, "I'd be there in a heartbeat," if Isiah Thomas asks him to help coach the Pacers, but he'd prefer to stay in college coaching. Knight sat down for an hour-long interview on CNN's "Larry King Live" on Wednesday night.
Saturday, September 23
Safe to return: English professor Murray Sperber plans to return to Indiana University next spring, six months after he left campus because of death threats and harassment from defenders of coach Bob Knight.
Wednesday, September 20
|  | Reed wasn't happy to see Knight fired. | Reed doesn't revel: Former Indiana player Neil Reed blew the whistle on Bob Knight in March when he publicly recounted the events of a practice in 1997 during which he was choked by the coach. "Believe it or not," Reed writes in ESPN The Magazine, "I'm not happy that Indiana fired Coach Knight."
'A teachable moment': Indiana president Myles Brand says Knight's celebrity status and the attention he received took away from the school's academic accomplishments.
Big Ten presidents stand behind Brand
Tuesday, September 19
Davis hires assistants: Dan Panaggio, a three-time coach of the year in the CBA, and Julius Smith are hired as assistant coaches by interim coach Mike Davis
Sunday, September 17
Back in the game?: Bob Knight thinks he could return to coaching in college or the pros as soon as next month.
Friday, September 15
The fine print: Bob Knight's lawyer is questioning a contract provision that places restrictions on where the former Indiana coach can next work.
Do unto others: Reacting to the behavior that cost Bob Knight his job, Indiana's trustees adopted a code of conduct requiring coaches and athletes to treat others with dignity and respect.
Thursday, September 14
|  | Freshman Kent Harvey reports to campus police to tell his version of the incident with Bob Knight. | 'Let him get on with life': Knight bid farewell to Indiana University, and told 6,000 cheering students to forget about the freshman who played a part in his firing.
Campus divided: Peg Brand, wife of Indiana University president Myles Brand, pleads for an end to the threats on her family and others linked to the firing of basketball coach Bob Knight.
Isiah's invitation: Isiah Thomas reiterated his desire to team up again with deposed Indiana University coach Bob Knight, but admitted Knight would probably not accept the offer. "I don't think that's possible because I know he still wants to coach college basketball."
Waiting until spring: The Knight firing opens up the discussion for players, especially junior college players, about the pros and cons of signing in the spring, writes's Andy Katz.
The General was here: Mike Davis may have followed Bob Knight as basketball coach at Indiana, but he won't move into The General's office. "It's just too special of a place and there's too many memories," Davis said. "I wouldn't feel comfortable."
Wednesday, September 13
Parting payouts: Bob Knight will receive $1.3 million in deferred compensation over 10 years and will be paid the remaining two years of salary owed him under the contract that runs out June 2002.
The definition of 'interim': Mike Davis understands he's on a year-long tryout as coach at Indiana, writes's Andy Katz. If he wins, he has a chance to become the head coach. If he doesn't, he said he shouldn't be asked.
Analysis: Following a legend
Tuesday, September 12
Knight on Knight: In an exclusive live interview, Bob Knight tells ESPN's Jeremy Schaap that he wasn't warned that he was on the verge of being fired.
Video: ESPN's interview with Knight
Vitale: Knight will return
|  | Mike Davis called his appointment a bittersweet experience. | One of their own: Indiana headed off a possible player revolt over Bob Knight's dismissal by hiring assistant Mike Davis as interim basketball coach.
Mike Davis' career timeline
So, please, don't ask: Iowa coach and former Indiana standout Steve Alford says coaching the Hoosiers isn't in his future.
Unwanted: Kent Harvey, the Indiana freshman who said Bob Knight grabbed his arm and cursed him out, might leave school because of threats he has received.
Monday, September 11
An ultimatum: Indiana players demanded that assistant coaches Mike Davis and John Treloar be retained and that one of them be hired as interim coach. Otherwise, center Kirk Haston said, there would be "serious repercussions."
Katz: Transferring won't be easy
Interim works for now: Indiana will not go after a present head coach at another Division I school to replace the fired Bob Knight, Hoosiers' athletics director Clarence Doninger told's Andy Katz.
School ensures accuser's safety: Indiana University ensures the safety of Kent Harvey, the student who accused Bob Knight of assaulting him, should the freshman decide to stay at the school.
Accuser's stepfather seeks apology from Knight
Standing offer: Dallas Mavericks owner and Indiana graduate Mark Cuban tells the Fort Worth Star-Telegram that Bob Knight has a standing offer to join the Mavs as a consultant.
What's next? ESPN's experts answer
Sunday, September 10
|  | Bob Knight was fired after declining the chance to resign. | Knight fired: Indiana University finally had enough of Bob Knight, who was fired Sunday by president Myles Brand for a "continued pattern of unacceptable behavior."
IU president Myles Brand's statement
Once a coach
: Fired Hall of Fame coach Bob Knight told an emotionally drained Indiana University team Sunday night that he wants to continue coaching.
'They told the truth': Kent Harvey, the 19-year-old freshman whose accusations led to Bob Knight's dismissal, has received "terrifying" threats but wants to remain a student at Indiana University.
Students protest: Throngs of students marched outside the home of university president Myles Brand and Assembly Hall in protest of the firing of Bob Knight.
Alford not leaving Iowa: Iowa athletics director Bob Bowlsby tells's Wayne Drehs he is "100 percent confident" that coach Steve Alford, a former star at Indiana, will not leave the Hawkeyes to replace Bob Knight.
Katz: Knight remained combative until the bitter end
Forde: Knight was so gifted, so flawed
Bilas: Knight forced out by own behavior
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Bob Knight career timeline
Users react: Knight out at Indiana

Bob Knight sits down for an exclusive interview with ESPN's Jeremy Schaap. RealVideo: 28.8
Bob Knight addresses Indiana University's student body. RealVideo: 28.8
Mike Davis is named the interim head coach of the Hoosiers. RealVideo: 28.8
Indiana University officials excuse Bob Knight of his coaching duties. RealVideo: 28.8