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December 06, 2001

Godzilla, Clint and Hollow Man
By Rob Dibble

During my recent, however brief, vacation, I finally got a chance to get away and enjoy three movies with my family. Though different, all of them were great in their own way. So let's grab the balls and take a look:

Godzilla 2000
No, this film is not a sequel to the American rip-off version that came out a couple of years ago. This is an updated version of the timeless classics that somehow can only be produced in Japan. Since it was rated PG, I could also be a good dad, and take my two kids along. What was cool is that a couple of months ago I bought my son a six pack of old Godzilla movies that were on sale at the video store. Those were only $10.99. What a bargain! Anyway, my kids loved those old Godzilla flicks and couldn't wait to see the newest addition. Well, my Japanese friends did not disappoint. What a great movie -- all the usual bad acting, mouths moving out of sync with the soundtrack, and terrible special effects. It's easily the best Godzilla movie ever. Despite all the new technology available, I am happy to report Godzilla still moves in a slow, herky-jerky manner. Not at all believable or frightening, which makes it perfect. If you love bad B-movies like me, you'll love this one.

Dibble's scorecard:

Hollow Man
The next night, my wife, Joanne, and I went out for a doubleheader. Now, it's no small feat to get a baby sitter, so when we do, we go for dinner and to two movies. Joanne and I have a deal -- if we see two movies of my choice, we eat sushi. If it's two that she wants to see, we eat steak.

We ate Sushi.

Anyway, Hollow Man was awesome in some aspects and decent in others. It had everything that a movie buff like me could want -- great special effects (some of the best I've ever seen), violence, great kill shots, and, of course, a little nudity. Kevin Bacon is great and so is Elizabeth Shue. But I had some problems with certain parts of the movie. For example, when Bacon gets hollow, he should have gone out in public more. It would have been fun for the director to put Bacon in a couple of weird situations in that condition. I was also not thrilled with the ending. Frankly, there's this one dude who should definitely get wasted, and he doesn't. I was not happy to say the least. Let's go! You can't let that guy live!

Still, this is a must see. I only give it two balls, though, because I figure they still owe me half a movie, the half in which that freaking guy gets wasted!

Dibble's scorecard:

Space Cowboys
This was one I couldn't wait to see. It has some of my favorite actors of all time -- Clint Eastwood (who also directed), Donald Sutherland, Tommy Lee Jones, and James Garner as grizzled veterans of the space program. As you might expect, all of the actors in this one give excellent performances. The banter between these dudes is great, the one liners just keep on coming. Their camaraderie makes the movie work. Don't go expecting to see "Apollo 13" or something. It's not like that. But if you want a really cool movie with some great characters, check this one out. I give three and a half balls.

Dibble's scorecard:

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