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Rocker vs. Owners


Poll Results

John Rocker
Atlanta Braves pitcher

Why he is on the list: Sticks and stones may break your bones, but racial slurs will make the headlines. John Rocker uttered some ugly remarks in a Sports Illustrated story, leading to around-the-clock coverage of his every move and comment. The hoopla began in the offseason and didn't really end until he completed his first road trip to New York unscathed.

Over-the-top owners

Why they are on the list: Daniel Snyder: Meddling became an art form as he spent $100 million on older players and created a quarterback controversy all by himself.
Mark Cuban: Involved in every aspect of the team's personnel. Sits behind the opposing team's bench and yells at the referees.
Tom Hicks: Wants his Rangers to win so badly he's going to always pay A-Rod more than anyone else.

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