Inside the Playbook
Weekly lineup

 Thursday, September 23
Terrell Owens' split right scram left dragon
By Sean Salisbury


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About the play: No NFL team is better at running the quick game than the 49ers. They have great timing, big receivers and quarterback Steve Young, who is as accurate a passer as the NFL has ever seen.

Keys to the play: Terrell Owens must get a free release and not allow the cornerback to force him too far inside. Too many receivers make their move by chopping their feet with no forward movement, but not Owens. All his moves are with a purpose. Plus, he is overpowering at 6-foot-3 and more than 200 pounds.

The next big key is Young. He has always given his receivers a chance to run after the catch. The 49ers are the best at this. Young usually hits Owens on the front number, so he can run after the catch instead of the back number where the receiver gets tackled. The timing of Young to Owens on the Dragon route will account for more big plays than will the deep throw.

Critical player: Owens must let Young pick the throwing lane. If it is zone or man-to-man coverage, Owens has to run full speed and let Young find the seam. Owens can't slow down.

When to expect the play: Expect this play anywhere and everywhere for the 49ers. They don't care what the down or distance is; they will call this play because they believe they will always complete the pass.

Defensive strategy: This play can be defended the following ways: 1.) Getting push into Young, who takes a three-step drop. Penetration impedes vision and forces bad timing. 2.) Hope that Young and Owens are drinking Gatorade on the sidelines. The 49ers are hard to stop because they also have Jerry Rice and J.J. Stokes. Who are you going to double team?


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