Inside the Playbook
Weekly lineup

 Thursday, September 23
Ben Coates' I right Charlie 40 Y corner
By Sean Salisbury


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About the play: Drew Bledsoe loves to put the ball in the air, and tight end Ben Coates is frequently on the other end of Bledsoe's throws. Coates is big enough to outmuscle a linebacker and fast enough to outrun him. To get to the Super Bowl, you had better have a very good tight end, and the Patriots have one in Coates.

Keys to the play: The Z receiver, Terry Glenn, must run a fast go route to clear the corner lane for Coates. Bledsoe must make a good play-action fake to his running back, so he can hold the linebacker and force the defense to think run.

Coates must get out of his stance on time, and he needs to get to his 10- to 12-yard depth or he'll never get to his spot. Bledsoe must make his throw toward the sideline and away from the safety.

Critical player: Coates. His release cannot be inside unless the linebacker over him is way outside. He must take an outside release, so he can get on his path and keep the play in sync. If he gets pushed inside, then the defense will pound him like a pinball, and the play won't work. Coates' outside release puts the secondary in a major bind. If they jump Coates, then Bledsoe will hit the go route for a touchdown.

When to expect it: The Patriots will run this play in the red zone, where they will see a lot of man-to-man coverage. Coates has a big edge against a linebacker, who can't cover him without help. Also, expect this play after the Pats have run off tackle a few times early in the game. This is a nice first-down play.

Defensive strategy: The defense would love to be in a two-deep coverage. The main man is the cornerback on the tight end side. He must hit Glenn and then retreat into the throwing lane. The quarterback must peek at the cornerback or he will find himself chasing down an interception. A cover-2 defense can stop this play to Coates.


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