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The Life

September 17, 2002
Icebreakers: Kelley Washington
ESPN The Magazine

KELLEY WASHINGTON, Tennessee football

Think this mama's boy is cocky? You're right.

Last person who called you: My mother. She called just to tell me that she loves me. I speak to my mom every single day. I'm usually the one who calls her. Sometimes it's only a two-minute conversation, but it's important to me that my mom knows that I'm thankful for her. I can't remind her of that enough.

Kelley Washington
He's not cocky, he just knows he's No. 1.
Last movie you saw: John Q. Okay, it's been awhile since I've been to the movie theater, but I've been a little busy. I saw John Q. in Florida during the summer break. I usually see all of Denzel Washington's films. I admire the fact that he can play all types of characters and always give a moving performance.

CD on repeat: Sanchez's album Stays On My Mind. He's a reggae artist. I only listen to reggae music. It really all started when I was playing minor league baseball. Everyone around me seemed to be listening to reggae, even some of my opponents who were playing in places like Indiana and Michigan.

Most daring move: When I said I was the best receiver in the country, that was pretty daring. I really put myself out there. Of course, I was and am ready to back it up, but the press has blown it out of proportion, and now I hear about it all the time.

Biggest misconception about you: People think I'm a cocky person, that I'm arrogant because of my confidence in what I can do on the field. But really, I'm a down-to-earth guy who loves his family and would do anything for his mother.

Pasttime passion: I write love songs to R&B music. The lyrics and music never been performed by anyone, and no one's really seen them. Basically, they're an expression of the love and respect I have for my family. I keep them to myself, but someday, I'll share them with my wife.

You're a time traveler. Where and when are you going?: I'd go back to the 50s and 60s here in this country. I'd like to see the environment that brought about people like Martin Luther King, Jr. It was a time when African Americans came together and had real unity. They fought for what they believed in, and it would inspire me .

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