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December 06, 2001

'Angels' worth the money
By Rob Dibble

If you're spending your hard-earned money to be entertained, you deserve every penny's worth. See "Charlie's Angels." You won't feel short-changed.

When I see an action movie, I don't want a great drama to break out. I'm going to see some eye candy, some stuff blow up and well-choreographed fight scenes.

I never go into a movie thinking it needs to be as good as "Terms of Endearment" or "Schindler's List." Those movies come out once in a blue moon.

When I see an action movie, I don't want a great drama to break out. I want to see great action scenes with fast-paced fights. And if the the hero of the movie happens to be a woman, I like it when she gets pummeled to within an inch of her life.

Now this is not because I like to see women get hit. It just means that whoever beats her up is going to get it back double later on. And to see a woman wail on some guy is fun to watch, especially when you know he deserves it. Because, let's be real, how many bad guys are going to get the crap beat out of them by a woman -- unless it's by Chyna of the WWF?

"Charlie's Angels" is a great movie. It's dead-on the TV show. The characters are goofy and funny. The action scenes were as good or better than the ones in "The Matrix." The fact that Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu hardly wear any clothing at all will make you totally forget the fight scenes aren't real.

I loved this movie for the same reason I loved "Mission Impossible I" and "II" and all of the "The Terminator" movies: I'm not going there for a tear-jerker or to see an Acadamy award-winning performance. I'm going to see some eye candy, some stuff blow up and well-choreographed fight scenes. If you're looking for a visually awesome action-comedy, this movie is for you.

Dibble's scorecard: Three out of four baseballs.

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