101 things to do in D.C. when you're Ted
Special to ESPN.com

Ted Leonsis, the owner of the Washington Capitals and an Internet multimillionaire, may seem like a guy who has it all. But he hasn't done it all. When he survived a plane crash landing in 1983, he made a list of 101 things he wanted to do in life.

He's at 71 and counting ...

101 things Ted Leonsis has given himself to do in life
Number Category Status
I. Family matters
1. Fall in love and get married
2. Have a healthy son
3. Have a healthy daughter
4. Take care of mother and father
5. Take care of in-laws
6. Take care of extended family
7. Have grandchildren  
8. Have great-grandchildren  
9. Leave trusts for family members
10. Leave all financial matters in great shape for family members upon passing on
11. Have children become individuals and self-actualized staying loving within the family  
II. Financial matters
12. Pay off college debts
13. Net worth of $10 million, after taxes
14. Net worth of $100 million, after taxes
15. Net worth of $1 billion, after taxes  
16. Zero personal debt for family
17. Make $10 million on an outside investment
18. Become a partner in a venture capital fund
19. Create $1 billion in value with an outside investment
20. Start a company and sell it
21. Conduct an IPO on a company I founded
22. Create world's largest media company
III. Possessions
23. Own a beach home that stays in family
24. Own a jet
25. Own a yacht
26. Own a convertible Porsche or Mercedes Benz
27. Own a mountain home that stays in the family  
28. Own a great piece of art
29. Own a great personal collection of watches
30. Own a Ferrari
31. Restore an antique auto
32. Own a restaurant or club
33. Support someone who makes a great breakthrough in science or art  
IV. Charities
34. Change someone's life via a charity
35. Give $1 million to Georgetown University
36. Major impact on a children's charity
37. Start a family charity foundation
38. Give away $100 million in lifetime  
39. Have a building/perpetual memorial named after the family  
V. Sports
40. Own a sports franchise (basketball, hockey or football)
41. Win a world championship  
42. Go to a Super Bowl with Dolphins or Redskins
43. Go to a Final Four with Georgetown
44. Go to a World Series with Yankees
45. Meet Mickey Mantle
46. Catch a foul ball
47. Go to an NBA All-Star Game
48. Go to an NBA draft
49. Go to an NHL All-Star Game
50. Go to a Capitals Stanley Cup
51. Go to Olympics
52. Play Augusta  
53. Play Pebble Beach
54. Play Cypress
55. Play St. Andrews  
56. Go to Ryder Cup
57. Go to U.S. Open golf tourney
58. Go to World Cup  
59. Get a hole-in-one  
60. Play in a celebrity golf tournament  
61. Go to a US Open tennis final
62. Go to baseball All-Star Game
63. Go to a Fantasy Camp  
64. Shoot baskets at Madison Square Garden  
65. Go one-on-one with Michael Jordan  
VI. Travel
66. Go to Greece
67. Go to Italy
68. Go to Israel/Jerusalem
69. Go to Hawaii
70. Go on safari to Africa  
71. Go to London
72. Go to Paris
73. Go to Australia  
74. Sail through Caribbean
75. Sail through Mediterranean
76. Go to China  
77. Go to Brazil
78. Go to Alaska  
79. Go to Egypt
80. Go to Bali  
81. Go to Tahiti  
VII. Stuff
82. Be on cover of a magazine
83. Produce a TV show
84. Go into outerspace  
85. Write a book
86. Invent a board game
87. Make a movie  
88. Win a Grammy/Oscar/Tony Award  
89. Meet Ted Turner
90. Meet Bill Gates
91. Get an honorary degree
92. Hold elective office
93. Go to White House/meet President
94. Advise a foreign government
95. Live overseas  
96. Go to Oscars  
97. Go to MTV Awards Show
98. See the Rolling Stones
99. See The Who
100. Take a year sabbatical  
101. Sail around the world with family  
  Tally 71/101


Rovell: Checking his list

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