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NFL murder trials vs. Owners


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NFL murder trials

Why they are on the list: Two murder trials involving NFL players is too many. Cherica Adams, Rae Carruth's girlfriend, was eight months pregnant when she was shot to death by Van Brett Watkins. Watkins, who admits to killing Adams, says the killing was arranged by Carruth. The defense contends that Watkins shot Adams to frame Carruth because he was angry, not because Carruth paid him to kill the woman.
Ray Lewis of the Baltimore Ravens was charged with double-murder after two men were stabbed repeatedly during a fight outside a post-Super Bowl party. Lewis maintained that he simply was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but he complicated the situation by lying to the police. Without much direct evidence linking Lewis to the stabbings, prosecutors tried to convince the jury that Lewis masterminded a conspiracy to cover up the crime. Lewis eventually pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor, when the prosecution agreed to drop the murder charges if he testified against the other defendants.

Over-the-top owners

Why they are on the list: Daniel Snyder: Meddling became an art form as he spent $100 million on older players and created a quarterback controversy all by himself.
Mark Cuban: Involved in every aspect of the team's personnel. Sits behind the opposing team's bench and yells at the referees.
Tom Hicks: Wants his Rangers to win so badly he's going to always pay A-Rod more than anyone else.

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