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Capt. Jimmy's Fun Page III

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So, did you follow the important news this week or did you waste your time in front of the PlayStation? Cap'n Jimmy's pop quiz reveals the truth.

Weekly News Quiz
Darryl Strawberry
1. Hoping the stiff punishment would help Darryl Strawberry finally get his life back together, a Florida judge sentenced the former baseball player to:
    A. One year in prison.
    B. Two years in a drug treatment center.
    C. A month sharing an apartment with Charles Barkley.

2. At age 101, Harold Stilson became the oldest man to:
    A. Shoot a hole-in-one.
    B. Play for the Orioles.

Anna Kournikova
3. Why did Anna Kournikova drop out of the French Open?
    A. She was going to lose anyway.
    B. A persistent foot injury.
    C. Richard Williams told her to.

4. Which sport did not apply for inclusion in the 2008 Olympics this week?
    A. Golf.
    B. Bowling.
    C. Ballroom dancing.
    D. Surfing.
    E. Billiards.
    F. The XFL.

Morgan Pressel
5. Twelve-year-old Morgan Pressel stunned the sports world when she became:
    A. One of the youngest qualifiers in the history of the U.S. Women's Open.
    B. The youngest person to ever declare for the NBA draft.
    C. The oldest girl Sergei Fedorov has dated in the past two years.

6. What award did Allen Iverson win this week?
    A. The NBA's MVP award.
    B. The NBA assist title.
    C. A Grammy for his rap CD, "40 Bars."

7. True or False: After President Bush announced his energy policy, the PGA says it will do its part by asking courses to not water fairways this summer.

Answers: 1, B; 2, A (though, we need to double-check Cal Ripken's birth certificate); 3, B; 4, F; 5, A; 6, A; 7, False -- the PGA will instead conserve fuel by not letting Casey Martin use a golf cart.

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