- NFL/TRAININGCAMP00 - Doug's diary: Too hot for hot tempers

Weekly lineup

 Saturday, July 22
It's too hot for hot tempers
 By Doug Brien
Special to

Editor's note: What is life in an NFL training camp like? Kicker Doug Brien takes you inside the camp of the New Orleans Saints with his weekday diary for

Friday, July 21
THIBODAUX, La. -- With at least a thousand fans in attendance per practice we (the Saints) want to show our appreciation for the fans by signing as many autographs as possible. After every practice, Coach Haslett reads the names of the five players who will sign autographs for the fans under the tent. I think the reason for this is that in this heat, players often need to get out of the sun immediately after practice.
Doug Brien
Although many guys do sign autographs, on certain hot days you will see a lot of players head directly for the locker room after practice. For those of you who have attended some of the practices, please don't take it personally if a player passes you by after practice. I am sure they would love to sign an autograph, but they are probably very dehydrated and exhausted. Remember that there are always at least five players under the tent to sign autographs for you.

Today, in our two-minute drill at the end of practice the defense intercepted both of the offense's drives. This type of thing is normal early on in camp because it usually takes a little more time for the offense to develop the timing needed to complete passes consistently. I don't think the coaches are too concerned yet, but if the trend continues they might be in a few weeks.

Normally, in the first week of training camp a couple of fights break out every day. I have heard of a few pushing-type scuffles, but I have not seen one all-out brawl this year.

Another thing I've noticed is the lack of fights so far in camp. Normally, in the first week of training camp a couple of fights break out every day. I have heard of a few pushing-type scuffles, but I have not seen one all-out brawl this year. Last year I bet 10 to 15 had occured by this point. Some of the lineman (they usually instigate most fights) say the heat has dissuaded a lot of guys from fighting. Jerod Tomich told me that he and tight end Cuncho Brown started shoving each other after an intense play. He said after they pushed each other a few times they just looked at each other and mutually decided to forget it; it was too hot to waste their energy fighting.

This afternoon we have a walk-through and then our Black vs. Gold scrimmage tomorrow at 11 a.m. The players are looking forward to the scrimmage and spending some time at home this weekend with family. I'll report on the scrimmage in Monday's diary entry.

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Doug's diary: Quirky campers

NFL Training Camp 2000