Weekly lineup

 Tuesday, July 18
No rest for the weary
 By Doug Brien
Special to

Editor's note: What is life in an NFL training camp like? Kicker Doug Brien takes you inside the camp of the New Orleans Saints with his daily diary for

Tuesday, July 18
THIBODAUX, La. -- A lot of fans have asked me what we do in the time we are not practicing. Unfortunately, I don't think my answer will be too interesting. Like I said the other day, we have double-day practices every other day.
Doug Brien
On those double-days we have breakfast at about 7 a.m. with the first practice starting at 9 a.m. That practice ends at 11:30 and from there we go to lunch. At 2:15 we begin meetings that take most of us through about 5 p.m. Did you notice I said most of us? In the afternoon our (kickers) schedule deviates from the rest of the team. While the offense and defense are in their meetings, we watch film for a little while but are finished at around 3:30. After the afternoon meetings we have dinner. The evening practice starts at 7:05 and ends at 9:30. After practice we have free time until curfew at 11 p.m.

The primary difference between our single practice days is that we lift weights instead of practice in the morning. We brought a lot of our lifting equipment down from New Orleans to supplement what Nicholls State already has; we ended up with a nice weight room for training camp. Although guys don't lift very hard, it is important to lift enough to maintain strength that was built up during our offseason program.

After lifting we have more meetings until lunch time. After lunch, we have a little break that most guys use to take a nap or just relax. Practice starts at 3 p.m. As I mentioned previously, in my opinion, this is our toughest practice. It is very hot and we are in full pads. After practice, we have dinner followed by more meetings and bed at 11 p.m.

There isn't too much time for doing anything other than football. Although, as a kicker, I do have more time than most. My time off has been spent crouched in front of my computer.

As you can see there isn't too much time for doing anything other than football. Although, as a kicker, I do have more time than most. My time off has been spent crouched in front of my computer. In previous camps I would use this time to do some reading or watch some television. But this year, because of my diary and my web site, I have been inundated with e-mail. Between the e-mail and writing my diary entry, it seems like every time I step foot in my room I am busy at my computer until I have to leave.

Gotta go. I have some more e-mail to respond to before the afternoon practice.

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Doug's diary: Beating the heat

NFL Training Camp 2000