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Friday, November 10, 2000
Lakers or Blazers? And what about Minny?

We unveiled our first Power Rankings of the NBA season on Day 1. That night, the angry comments were flowing in from Timberwolves fans. Yes, we predicted that the Minnesota pro basketball franchise would not make the playoffs. And we stand by our decision for now. When the Spurs beat the Wolves handily in the second half on Thursday night, and without David Robinson, we felt even better. We're not rooting against the Wolves; we just made a simple prediction that they'd get beat out by the Kings and Mavs.
Kevin Garnett
Have we shortchanged Garnett and the Wolves?

Anyway, we did receive e-mails on other NBA teams this past week. Here are some of the best e-mails we got on the Power Rankings, which go up each Tuesday around Noon ET. Click here if you want to send more comments.

Let's get something straight. Your rankings stink!!! How can you rank the Timberwolves at 17th. They finished the season 44-19 from Dec. 17th on, which was second only to the champion Lakers over that time span. Give them the credit they deserve. They will finish with a top five record, no doubt.

Tony Cudo
Rosemount, Minn.

Your power ratings are ridiculous. First you have Charlotte in the top 10 because they're in a weak division, then you have the T-Wolves at No. 17. Aren't power ratings suppose to be a measure of how good a team is? If a team is in a weak division, that doesn't mean they're good, it means everybody else in their division stinks and they're lucky that they get to beat up on them all year. Also, all you critics out there are so wrong about the Wolves. You claim that losing Joe Smith hasn't affected your power rating of the Wolves. Sorry, but I'm calling your bluff. Last year all you critics were on us, too. KG is the best player in the game, and don't underestimate the rest of this squad. Pardon me, but this is a team that won 50 games last year. How about a little respect. I'm realizing that this probably won't get read, but just in case it does please understand that your power ratings need some reformatting.

Duane Birchem
Duluth, Minn.

Fact: Garnett gets better every year.
Fact: Wally Szczerbiak is good and will only get better.
Fact: Chauncey Billups played VERY well in the preseason and in the first game against Houston. Malik Sealy was a great man, but simply not a great player. His loss will be felt, but his void HAS been filled.
Fact: Terrell Brandon is a top 5 point guard, enough said.
Fact: Rasho Nesterovic has bulked up like crazy and took the aging Hakeem to school. Yet another improvement.
Fact: Anybody that seriously thinks that the Wolves will be a lottery team this year needs to sober up. This team has improved.
Fact: I am going to enjoy watching all of you "experts" eat your words when the Wolves win the Midwest and beat all of your favorites. David Stern's power trip and attempt to kill this franchise is going to blow up right in his chubby face and I am going to love it.. GO WOLVES!!!

Bryan Ophaug
Minneapolis, Minn.

The Jazz at No. 5 doesn't make sense. I understand that they will be behind the Lakers and Blazers. They should be third because they have shown they can beat the others. Spurs didn't win the division last year, which puts them behind the Jazz. The Jazz may have lost a couple key players but if the new acquisitions step up they will not lose a step. Stockton and Malone will be going strong once again even though you have written them off as too old. After all, this is all based off predictions of the teams and their new talent.

Marc Cooley
Socorro, N.M.

What can I say? The Magic at four, that is a bad mistake. Seriously, what did they gain? T-Mac is a star, and one on one I'd take him ahead of Vinsanity any day, the kid can play D. That's the good part. Grant Hill is over the hill. He is still hobbling. Yet you pick them over the Knicks. Spree and Houston are a better combo than T-Mac and Hill. As soon as Luc Longley gets healthy the Knicks will be fine. They have proved before that the only season that matters is the playoffs.

Vincennes, Ind.

I find it hard to believe that you ranked Charlotte ahead of Philadelphia. Granted, Charlotte has a few big men, but the Sixers are one of the few teams in the East that could contend with them in the paint. And let us not forget how easily the Sixers bumped the Hornets from the playoffs last year. Without Eddie Jones to contain Iverson, Charlotte will have even more trouble this year.

Josh McMullen
Quarryville, Pa.

I think the Hawks should be ranked No. 29 on your list. Even with Dikembe Mutombo they just don't have the talent to win games. I also think you were being too hard on the poor Grizzlies. Also, many people in Dallas may be surprised this year.

Stephen Mingoia
Brooklyn, N.Y.

As a true Laker fan I must agree the Lakers deserved the No. 1 ranking, since they are the World Champions. But, as a true Laker fan I must say they are not the team to beat. Portland looks great on paper, but too many superstars, and one out of shape fat guy. The Spurs are the team to beat out West. They will give Portland and the Lakers problems all year long. As for the JV league, you guys should not have one team ranked in the top 10 all year long. Way to go Knicks against the 76ers. I am so glad you guys get a year with Mrs. Rice.

Brent Hannon
Torrance, Calif.



The Rockets will make the playoffs. Their backcourt with Francis and Mobley is great, and Mo Taylor will help Hakeem, who will be better this year, solidify the front court. Their bench is highly underrated as well. Cato and Thomas are more than capable players coming off the bench, to go with the instant offense Mobley provides. Switch the Rockets with the Kings and your playoff prediction looks pretty accurate.

Lance Grigar
Eagle Lake, Texas

I think many would agree that there's one big problem with your power rankings. Orlando doesn't belong anywhere near the top teams. The additions of McGrady & Hill do make them a playoff contender, not an NBA championship contender. It's OK to make a mistake this early in the season, but Orlando should rank around 10 or so, not No. 4.

Mo Patel
Los Angeles, Calif.

I agree with you ranking the Mavericks at No. 16 at this point, but they will be a top 10 team by the All-Star game. Mark my words, the Mavericks will be considered the "Cinderella" team in the NBA this season and considered a top contender for the title within the next couple of years.

Todd Smith
Barksdale, La.

OK, the whole almighty West and weakling East thing was fairly humorous for about a week at the beginning of last season, but it's getting old now. The West may have the three best teams, but after that it's pretty much all even. If the Heat had Zo the East may even have had the best team this year. So quit talking about the East vs. West thing, I'm really getting sick of it.

Rapid City, S.D.

I am disappointed to see my beloved Kings ranked 15th. With the acquisitions of Christie and Jackson, they seem to be a much improved team. They are not a top five team, but at least a top 10 team. Starting Peja Stojakovic at the small forward also adds more outside firepower to their starting lineup without clogging the middle so Webber and Divac can work. In addition the Kings appear to be more focused on defense. I think they will win close to 50 games. Am I wrong here?

Scott Oltmanns
Sacramento, Calif.

PLEASE, rank the Warriors higher! You guys at least are somewhat intelligent for not ranking them at the bottom, but last night's game against Phoenix should prove that the Warriors are close to a playoff bound team. You have Phoenix ranked No. 6 and Golden St. at No. 21 ... looks like we should go up a great bit, eh??? Fortson is proving to be a great acquisition.

Matt Rosenkoff
Miami, Fla.

Let's get this straight. The West is a better conference top to bottom than the East. If you are really issuing "Power Rankings" then there's no way that seven Eastern Conference teams are in the top 17. Please continue to monitor East vs. West performance throughout the season, especially between lower-tier Eastern Conference playoff teams and Western Conference lottery teams that will find themselves in the lottery this year only because they can't feast on a steady diet of mediocre Eastern Conference foes.

Gerard Moore
San Francisco, Calif.

You have the Pistons ranked way, way, way too highly. Stackhouse is the only thing worth mentioning ... and he isn't enough to win every game (or half the games for that matter). This team has made nothing but terrible personnel moves over the past several years and everyone will get to see how bad this organization has become since the time of the "Bad Boys." They are an absolute lock for the lottery.

Detroit, Mich.

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