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Thursday, February 1, 2001
Patterson suspended three games

NEW YORK -- Seattle SuperSonics forward Ruben Patterson was suspended by the NBA for three games Thursday because of his conviction on an assault charge for breaking a man's jaw.

On Monday in Cleveland, Patterson pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge and was placed on probation.

Patterson, who had been charged with felonious assault, was accused of hitting a man and breaking his jaw last summer. Patterson thought the man scratched his car outside a nightclub.

Patterson, 25, of Cleveland, was sentenced to six months in jail, but Judge David Matia suspended the term and placed him on probation for six months. Patterson also was fined $1,000 and ordered to provide 80 hours of community service.

Kevin Lewis told police that Patterson was among a group of men who attacked him June 11. One of Patterson's companions also was charged with felonious assault.

Patterson, averaging 13.1 points in 48 games this season, began the suspension Thursday night by sitting out the Sonics' home game against Chicago. He will not be paid during the suspension.

"We are concerned by the pattern displayed by the NBA this season of ratcheting up the amount of discipline imposed on players," NBA players association spokesman Dan Wasserman said.

"We view the three games as excessive. There were mitigating circumstances."

He said the players' association hasn't spoken yet with Patterson, so it's not known if there will be an appeal.  HELP |  ADVERTISER INFO |  CONTACT US |  TOOLS |  SITE MAP
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