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Monday, November 20, 2000
Dr. Jack: A big event for the Pistons


Signing Joe Smith is a big event for Detroit. As soon as he can get himself physically ready to play, he can certainly have an impact on the Pistons. For the most part, the Pistons have been starting Billy Owens, Ben Wallace and Eric Montross in the frontcourt. When Smith is ready, I would expect them to start three forwards -- Owens, Smith and Ben Wallace and bring Montross off the bench. Then, they still have Jerome Williams, John Wallace and Mikki Moore in reserve.

Smith's addition expands their roster and makes them a pretty deep team. Chucky Atkins has played well, and Jerry Stackhouse has stepped up his game. And then they get varying contributions from other players like Williams, who is always an energy force. For Detroit, this is a major addition.

Smith doesn't have one great strength. He's not a great post-up player. He's not a great perimeter shooter. He's not a great rebounder. But he's a little of everything. He gives the Pistons depth and versatilty, and coach George Irvine can plug him in almost anywhere in the front court.

The Pistons have kind of held the fort this season. They haven't dropped into oblivion as some people expected after they lost Grant Hill in the offseason. The Pistons have been hanging tough and playing pretty well. Smith may be the jolt they need to give them a shot at a playoff spot. And in the Eastern Conference, the playoffs are totally up for grabs. The 76ers are the only team with a sizeable margin over .500.

Of course, the report that Smith was headed back to Minnesota turned out to be false. The T-Wolves were hopeful of getting him back, but I think there would have been problems had he decided to go to Minnesota. Commissioner David Stern seemed determined to keep that from happening.
Smith saga ends with Pistons winning

May: League made sure Smith left town  HELP |  ADVERTISER INFO |  CONTACT US |  TOOLS |  SITE MAP
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