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Monday, November 6, 2000
Coleman OK after heart problem

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Derrick Coleman, sidelined over a month because of his irregular heartbeat, was cleared Monday to rejoin the Charlotte Hornets.

Coleman can play on Wednesday when the Hornets face the Orlando Magic. He missed the entire preseason and the first four games of the regular season while he adjusted to new medication to treat his heart.

The new medicine required him initially to take blood thinners, which prevented him from participating in anything involving contact. He went off the thinners last week, and his doctor examined him Monday and cleared him to play again.

"He practiced today and did everything everybody else did," coach Paul Silas said. "He's not in great shape yet, but that will come. The bottom line is that we have him out there now and it's just a relief to have him back."

Silas said Coleman would come off the bench on Wednesday at Orlando and wasn't sure how much the power forward will play.

"I'm not sure how ready he is, we'll have to wait and see," Silas said. "He also needs to know how much he is ready for. The one thing I don't want is to rush him out there and get him hurt, and you are always susceptible to that when you miss as much time as he has."

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