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 Friday, July 7
Iverson says he wants to stay with Sixers
 Associated Press

HAMPTON, Va. -- Allen Iverson said Friday he wants to remain with the Philadelphia 76ers but that his contentious relationship with coach Larry Brown will make it difficult.

"It will be hard. It will be extremely hard," Iverson said during a brief session with reporters before a reception for the Allen Iverson Celebrity Summer Classic charity event.

"It would be crazy for me to say that everything is peaches and cream, because it's not."

Brown benched Iverson for the final 20 minutes of a loss at Detroit last December, and Iverson then said he should be traded if Brown was unhappy with his play.

In March, Iverson was suspended for a game in Miami after missing a shoot-around practice because of a headache. The high-scoring guard, who frequently has been late to practice, reportedly was fined nearly 75 times for showing up late last season alone.

Iverson's comments about Brown came on the same day 76ers president Pat Croce gave North Carolina permission to speak with the well-traveled coach about its vacancy.

Iverson, who initially said during a news conference to promote the charity event that he hopes Brown does "whatever it takes to make him happy," met with reporters again later and said he and Brown don't have to be friends to work well together.

"If I have to play under coach Brown, I have no problem," he said.

Iverson also said speculation that he might be traded because of his frequent clashes with Brown has been keeping him away from Philadelphia, and that he was annoyed that no one from the team contacted him to tell him his status with the team.

"They owed me that," he said.

Sixers' Brown is North Carolina's next top choice