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 Thursday, April 6
Bryant doesn't think Childs goaded him
Associated Press

 OAKLAND, Calif. -- Kobe Bryant returned to the lineup for the Lakers on Wednesday night and said he has no intention of appealing his one-game suspension for fighting with Chris Childs of the New York Knicks.

Bryant's agent, Arn Tellem, said earlier Wednesday that he was considering filing an appeal on Thursday with NBA commissioner David Stern.

Chris Childs

Kobe Bryant

"He mentioned it to me, but I said I don't want to," Bryant said. "Truthfully, man, I really don't care, I really don't. Arn is just being an agent."

Bryant lost about $100,000 by sitting out the game, and was fined $5,000 by the NBA.

Bryant went to see the movie "Romeo Must Die" while sitting out his suspension on Tuesday and then watched on TV as his teammates won at Phoenix. He was back in the starting lineup Wednesday night as the Lakers brought a 10-game winning streak into their game with Golden State.

Childs and Bryant were fined and suspended by the NBA on Monday for fighting a day earlier in the nationally televised Knicks-Lakers game. Childs was fined more because he was the instigator of the fight.

Bryant said Wednesday he did not think Childs tried to goad him into a fight.

"I think you give him too much credit. I don't think he's that smart," Bryant said.

Childs, suspended without pay for two games and fined $15,000, planned to appeal after learning of Bryant's lesser ban.

Since Bryant already served his suspension, the most he could gain on appeal would be the recouping of some or all of his lost salary -- $100,000, or 1-90th of his $9 million salary.

Bryant would have to appeal to Stern, instead of a grievance arbitrator, since punishments for on-court behavior are solely the discretion of the commissioner. Stern would have 20 days to rule after granting a hearing.

NBA vice president Rod Thorn said Childs instigated the fight. Bryant was disciplined for responding with a punch.

Childs is scheduled to sit out Thursday's home game against Washington and Friday's game at Orlando.

Knicks' Childs, Lakers' Bryant suspended, fined

Shaq, Lakers take the fight out of Knicks

 Kobe Bryant and Chris Childs mix it up in L.A.
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