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Wednesday, June 14
Red Sox, Mets also interested in Sosa

NEW YORK -- With trade rumors involving Sammy Sosa swirling, George Steinbrenner showed up at Yankee Stadium on Tuesday and quickly disappeared behind closed doors with Joe Torre.

Mon., June 12
We'll know more about the Yankees offense by the end of June, when hitters with slow starts will have a chance to heat up with the weather. At that time the Yankees can ask, "Will we have enough offense to get to the postseason?"

I think Sammy Sosa would help them get to the postseason, but not help them as much in the postseason as Ramiro Mendoza, who would probably be included in any trade. Sosa is one of those hitters who feasts off second-line pitching. But in the postseason, you don't face much second-line pitching, and Sosa can be pitched to.

Postseason baseball is lower scoring and Mendoza has been invaluable to the Yankees in the playoffs, especially last season.

The New York Yankees owner talked to Torre for about a half-hour. The manager told few details of the meeting, only to say the Chicago Cubs slugger was a topic.

"The name was mentioned," Torre said, revealing a sly smile. "But it was never mentioned in a 'what do you think?' kind of way."

"The Yankees are interested in helping their club," he said. "A guy hits 60 home runs two years in a row, that's a big deal. He's the name that seems to be the popular one."

He added, however, "A few weeks ago, it was his teammate, Henry Rodriguez. Before that, it was Jose Canseco. But as far as I'm concerned, we're not any closer now than we were then."

At Wrigley Field, Sosa tried to slough off the speculation.

"I don't have any control about my future," Sosa, who can veto any trade, said before the Cubs played the New York Mets. "I'm still loyal to my fans. I don't want it to look like I'm a bad guy. I'm just here to play my game."

Cubs general manager Ed Lynch said he been contacted by a few teams about the three-time All-Star and 1998 National League MVP. The outfielder began the day batting .306 with 19 home runs and 58 RBIs.

"Obviously a player of Sammy's caliber, when GMs see this type of thing, it's their job to inquire. So yes, clubs have inquired," he said.

Clearly, the subject of Sosa was on most everyone's mind at Yankee Stadium before New York played the Boston Red Sox on Tuesday night.

With the tarp on the field and no batting practice, many of the Red Sox players were milling around the clubhouse when a cell phone rang.

"OK, we got Sosa," joked infielder Jeff Frye.

Red Sox general manager Dan Duquette likes Sosa and, shortly before the players' strike ended in 1995, was close to getting him. Duquette left New York before Tuesday's game to return to Boston.

"It would be great to have a guy like Sammy," Red Sox ace Pedro Martinez said of his fellow Dominican star. "If he doesn't bring any problems here, and I don't believe he would, anybody would love to have him."

As the Yankees and Cubs discussed a possible deal -- the Mets also are interested -- scouts on both sides continue to check out each other's talent.

Gene Michael, the Yankees' top scout, has been at Cubs games. A Chicago scout was at Yankee Stadium for Monday night's game, which was rained out, and the Cubs were checking out New York's young prospects at Class A Tampa. Pitcher David Walling, the Yankees' No. 1 draft pick last year, was attracting particular interest.

The Yankees also were looking at Detroit star Juan Gonzalez, and Michael was to follow him later this week.

While Sosa's home-run exploits and drawing power were not in dispute, some New Yorkers wondered whether Slammin' Sammy would affect the team chemistry of the two-time World Series champions.

Sosa feuded with Cubs manager Don Baylor last week before proclaiming peace.

Sammy Sosa
Sammy Sosa could make a big move up in the standings if he's dealt to the Yankees.

"I know walking in here today, it's not a pleasant thing to be a part of," Baylor said of the rampant trade talk. "It's rumors. That's all I know."

Sosa has made it clear to Chicago that he wants a trade, three baseball sources said Monday, all on the condition they not be identified.

Torre said Sosa would be fine in the Yankees locker room.

"Any player would fit into our clubhouse," Torre said. "Whether any player would fit into our lineup, that's what we have to evaluate.

"We're used to distractions here," he said. "We have enough players in that clubhouse who know what's important, and that's to win."

The Yankees have made a recent habit of winning without a big power hitter. Even with a worry about runs -- the Yankees rank next-to-last in the AL -- there's just as much concern about struggling, 37-year-old pitchers Roger Clemens and David Cone.

Which prompted this query: Given a choice of getting a huge hitter or a top pitcher -- such as, maybe, Mike Mussina or Brad Radke -- which would Torre prefer?

"That's a good question and I don't know the answer yet," he said. "Pitching, you never have enough. But there may be that one player out there who fits in our lineup well."

Stark: Sosa's days with Cubs numbered

Yankees-Red Sox postponed

Bronx bombshell: Yankees, Cubs talking Sosa trade