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TODAY: Friday, May 19
MLB umpires arrive in fourth inning

PITTSBURGH -- Three college umpires were recruited to work the first three innings of the St. Louis Cardinals-Pittsburgh Pirates game Friday night when the major league crew was delayed by weather in Toronto.

College umpires Leo Lowder, Keith Urich and Rick Locaitis from the Pittsburgh area worked the bases, with major league umpire Dan Iassogna behind home plate.

Iassogna, a relief umpire, was already in town to work part of the series.

The Pirates received permission from the commissioner's office to recruit the college umpires when it became clear that major league umpires Ed Montague, Anthony Randazzo, Ted Barrett and Jerry Layne would not arrive in time to start the game at 7:05 p.m. EDT.

They arrived in the top of the fourth, with Montague at first base, Randazzo at second and Barrett at third.

That crew worked the Arizona-Montreal game Thursday, but was delayed by weather in Toronto for much of the day Friday while en route to Pittsburgh.

The college umpires regularly work Duquesne and University of Pittsburgh games.