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Quotes on Billy Martin

Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Martin's maxims

Quotes by Billy Martin

  • "I don't think so because I've got the reputation for being baseball's bad boy and I don't deserve it. But I think I'd make a good manager. For one thing, I know how to handle men. That's the secret of managing. For another, I know enough about the game, not fundamentals, but executing. I think I could get the most out of players with common sense and psychology. I'm fiery enough that I'd have their respect. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll ever get the chance and there's nothing in the world that can change that."
    --On his chances of ever managing, quoted in Baseball Digest, June 1961

  • "I believe if God had ever managed, he would have been very aggressive, the way I manage."
    --As A's manager, quoted in Sports Illustrated, March 30, 1981.

  • "I've always said I could manage Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Hirohito. That doesn't mean I'd like them, but I'd manage them."
    --As Yankee manager, widely quoted

  • "Everything looks nicer when you win. The girls are prettier. The cigars taste better. Thre trees are greener."
    --As Yankee manager, Quoted in the Los Angeles Times, Sept. 17, 1975

  • "I get fired because I'm not a yes-man. The world's full of yes men. The first year that I became manager, 1969, with the Twins, I won a division championship. And got fired. The Tigers hired me. I had made $35,000 and the Tigers gave me a big raise. I won another division title and got fired again. Texas hired me, and with a bigger raise. I came in second, and got fired. The Yankees hired me, and tripled my salary. When I got fired there, and Oakland hired me--they gave me an unbelievable raise. I've got a long-term contract now, but if I get fired againd, I might run for President."
    --As manager of the A's, quoted in a New York Times interview, July 15, 1982

  • "All I know is, I pass people on the street these days, and they don't know whether to say hello or to say good-bye."
    --As Yankee manager, widely quoted

  • "The only real way to know you've been fired is when you arrive at the ballpark and find your name has been scratched from the parking list."
    --widely quoted

  • "Sometimes I would do just the opposite of what George wanted me to do, because I won't let anyone tell me how to manage. If I'm going down the tube, I'm going to do it my way."
    --from Number 1

  • "The two of them deserve each other. One's a born liar, the other's convicted."
    --On Reggie Jackson and George Steinbrenner, widely quoted

  • "What does George know about Yankee pride? When did he ever play for the Yankees?"
    --On Steinbrenner, from Number 1

  • "I'm getting smarter, I finally punched something that couldn't sue me."
    --As A's manager on breaking his finger after punching a piece of furniture, quoted in Sports Illustrated, September 6, 1982

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