Mortensen's 2001 archive

Cowboys want QB Carter to go back to basics

Aug. 21
Here's an addendum on the Quincy Carter-turned-starter story.

Quincy Carter
Quincy Carter's debut as an NFL starter was less than stellar.

The fumbling, stumbling rookie they saw Saturday night against the Saints was closer to the version that players and coaches have seen in training camp, as opposed to the quarterback who actually flashed in his preseason debut against the Oakland Raiders.

This week, Dallas Cowboys quarterback coach Wade Wilson is taking Carter back to the fundamentals of the position ... way back.

Carter has to learn how to properly take a snap under center. Carter is consistently bobbling snaps, which throws off the timing on plays.

This is not really that surprising, since Carter spent much of his time in the shotgun formation at Georgia, not to mention that he didn't really play the second half of his sophomore season because of a thumb injury.

Wilson also is working on Carter's footwork, drop-backs, etc., in hopes of correcting a host of other problems, including the tendency to wobble his passes.

It promises to be a long haul, and if it gets too ugly, don't be surprised if Anthony Wright takes over to bring some respectability to the professional football team in Dallas.

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